Self evicting because of the costs of living

The rising costs of living have unequally affected low income families, with the wages staying put and inflation pushing prices upward many can not even cram paying rent into their budget. Called, "basic need inflation" things such as: food, energy, transportation and health care have pushed the budget of those who are classified as severely cost burdened. Inflation has pushed a 40 year high of 8.6 percent in May of 2022 with forcing families to spend more on daily necessities rather than pay for rent or even consider saving for a down payment for a house. The current wages just are not sufficient for people to comfortably buy a house in todays market. With a shortage in housing, this allows an opportunity for landlords to push the rent prices since there is no where else to go. The Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI) reflects that the median rent increased nearly 15.9 percent as of May 2022. Leaving lower income families to do whatever they can to make rent to avoid being homeless, but others are not so lucky. 

Currently, eviction rates have not climbed to the rate during the pandemic. Do not be fooled however; this is just on paper, there are a number of individuals who would rather self evict when they can pay their rising rent no longer rather than face the embarrassment of a formal eviction. Research has pointed to there being about 5x more self evictions compared to formal evictions. When individuals do have to leave their homes, it is not the same as years prior. In this brutal housing market, losing out on living quarters often times leads to homelessness; the short supply of housing has allowed homeowners to push their rents even higher. Having to evict, whenever or not on their own terms often must try to find a new place to say with outrageous rents, few openings and with some potential financial barriers. 

So what can we do to change this? Organizations such as are trying to make a difference by pushing for affordable housing and helping people avoid eviction through funds. As well as a roadmap to how they will do it. 


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