Is Employment Always Going To Be Enough?
Image from In the United States, employment is crucial to survival. From day to night, a huge portion of the population’s routine orbits around having a job. Some people even have multiple jobs, putting many tens of hours of work into every week. It’s so important to our daily lives that many people start working in their high school years, to work on saving up for larger events and necessities later on in life. Everyone you’ve ever seen behind the counter at a store or fast food place relies on the income and benefits that their job provides. Being employed, in the eyes of many working-class citizens, means staying afloat. But sometimes the safety net employment provides simply isn’t enough to hold the rapidly growing weight of poverty and the constantly-changing economy. A study conducted in 2021 by the University of Chicago states that over 90% of homeless people, sheltered or not, were already employed with part-time or ...