Criminalization of Homelessness: An Endless Cycle
A huge barrier to many people who are homeless getting off the streets is having a criminal record. Having a felony record can lead to losing the right to vote which means they can’t vote on any laws that might make things better for the homeless population or people with a record. They lose their voice and the ones speaking for them become people who have no idea what it is like to be in their shoes. They can also be denied professional licenses simply for having a record, making getting a job even harder. Those with records also don’t qualify for federally assisted housing a majority of the time. Top that off with the criminalization of homelessness adding to the problem and making it even more impossible to get off the streets and an endless cycle is created. In Portland in 2017, 52% of arrests were from the homeless population mostly for being on other people’s property (The Oregonian/OregonLive, 2018)....