Priced Out: The Housing Market's Role in the Growing Homelessness Epidemic


City representatives frequently dismiss the idea that the housing market is at the heart of the rising homelessness crisis, instead attributing it to factors like mental health issues, addiction, and unemployment. But this narrative raises important questions: can these challenges alone explain the surge in homelessness, or is there a deeper, systemic issue at play? A closer examination suggests that the escalating cost of housing and the shrinking availability of affordable homes are far more than just a backdrop to this crisis—they're central drivers. As rents soar and the dream of homeownership slips out of reach, it becomes increasingly clear that the housing market is not just a factor, but a significant force fueling the homelessness.

Research studies using data from 2019 until current assessing the root of the crisis points in the direction of rising housing prices. The average monthly rent in the Portland Metropolitan area exceeds the national average of a staggering $1700 per month, excluding all other monthly billings such as utilities. Multnomah County is amongst the lowest in the country to have highest rental vacancy rates yet highest rent prices.  Although the data and facts presented have been publicly known and sensed by those living in Multnomah County, Rental Housing Alliance of Oregon representative Ron Garcia disagrees, instead blaming the boom in population growth to be the ‘actual’ reason housing has become unaffordable. Other city representatives have taken Garcia’s side, hence delaying much of a supply response to rental prices. 

Similar researchers have dictated that the only solution would be to urge city efforts in building more affordable housing to accommodate the growing population, including houseless folks. Our community is a body, when pain in one area is neglected it is only a matter of time before another begins to hurt. 

If you or anyone you know are a part of this hurting community, click one of the links below to stay in the loop about the ongoing struggle and what’s to come of efforts in finding a solution.



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