Ways of Generating More Readership or "buzz"

Source: https://tech.co/what-makes-good-website-2018-08
When thinking about the best way of generating readership or buzz it is important to think of what constitutes a "good" website or blog. Through some researching around, I found out that there are a few aspects or guidelines that can help spread information better and get people talking. Aspects such as our purpose, our users, and what the cause means to our users. A great deal of the time, I find that with certain products whether it be tangible like a laptop or more abstract like a blog, it is important to know who our audience is. From that, we then ask within this audience what is the best way to achieve a response. In creating effective message design it must be personable, resonating, and memorable. By personable, I mean achieving a "friendly" yet professional relationship where they feel acknowledged but not talked down to. By resonating, I want our message to relate to the audience on an emotional level, in such a way that it "touches" them so they elicit a response. Finally, a memorable message is created from the previous two aspects. It is through creating an emotional and relatable message that will create a good response.
In regard to generating "buzz", I argue that outsourcing to social media giants potentially even more grassroots organizations will help our cause greatly. By them sharing our information and we sharing theirs, it creates this great symbiotic relationship. This will also allow us to gain more readership because people always go to the social media giants first before anything in general. Overall, it is always about knowing who our audience is, the environment, and how to best reach them. It involves having a good purpose, aesthetics, and a solid foundation.
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By Jarid Paradan
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