The Link Between Psychotic Disorders and Homelessness

Psychotic disorders are a type of mental illness that cause people to lose touch with reality, and experience symptoms like hallucinations, paranoia, and incoherent speech. Disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar, and full on psychosis fall into this category. Treatment usually looks like the life-long use of antipsychotic medications from a psychiatrist. A meta-analysis looking at psychotic disorder prevalence among homeless populations around the globe found shocking results. According to their analysis, 21% of the homeless population met the criteria for psychosis, and 10% met the criteria for schizophrenia, which is over 10X higher than prevalence in the housed population (Ayano, 2019). This presents a possible lack of options and success in the treatment of psychotic disorder that must be brought to attention. Solutions to disproportionate treatment failures in the case of these types of disorders means that both legislature and th...