A Battle for a New Home

In southeast Portland, there has been an ongoing battle with a homeless encampment on Knapp street and 105th Avenue. Recently there has been a three day removal clean up in homeless encampments. Many Portland residents nearby have expressed their support as they are angry about Portland’s struggle to manage new people in the city while others who were in the encampment, feel marginalized and feel that the city has offered no real solution. Temporary shelters is what the city recommends although it is unappealing as it asks people to abandon their belongings and pets. 

The removal process has been a relief for the neighbors living nearby the camp as they have awaited action for a long time. On the other hand many of the homeless community's belongings were lost in the clearout and some feel that it only makes their struggles harder. The situation illustrates the ongoing battle between Portland and its homeless community and how this battle affects that community. 

For more information on how this effects the community click here


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