
Showing posts from June, 2024

Homeless experiencing health risks due to Climate Change

 Homelessness risk factors due to Climate Change  Homeless people are particularly vulnerable to the impact that climate change due to their lack of stable housing and their lack of resources that they have access to resources. As temperature rises, homeless people face risk of any type of heat-related illnesses and deaths, especially during heatwaves. Another thing to consider is extreme weather, such as storms, floods, and hurricanes can cause them to be removed from their shelters or expose them to dangerous outdoor conditions. With climate change becoming more of an issue, the changes in weather patterns can disrupt access to essential services like food and water.  Statistics:  Homeless people are 200 times more likely to die due to heat-related causes 40% increase in hospitalizations for depression and mania during extreme heat In 2022 a record of 63% increase of deaths  Resources:  Rose City Resource Guide by Street Roots- homeless services resource  - https://rosecityresource.s

Mental Health Issues resulting in Substance Abuse

Mental Health Issues resulting in Substance Abuse Homelessness often leads to substance abuse because people living on the streets use drugs or alcohol to cope with their tough situations. The stress and trauma of being homeless make it hard to avoid these things or even quit using these substances. Without a home, money, stable support system, it's challenging to get help for addictions. With this constant cycle of abusing the use of these substances, it results in mental illness. This makes it even harder for homeless people to get back on their feet, resulting in a cycle of homelessness and substance abuse resulting to mental illness, causing the ability to stop and find a will to do so even harder.  Different types of mental illnesses:  anxiety and/or depression PTSD  Bipolar Disorder  Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Schizophrenia  Etc.  statistics:   257,000 homeless people suffer from severe mental illness and/ or a chronic substance abuse.  Homeless people= higher risk

The Untreated Wound: Mental Health Crisis in the Homeless Community

  Homelessness is a major social and economic issue that needs to be addressed for justice to prevail. When we speak of homelessness, we must understand the complexity of the issue. Even though there have been some improvements and we can see slight stability in the issue, there needs to be more done. With rents increasing daily and job opportunities decreasing, we as a society need to ask ourselves about this exclusively marginalized population and work together as a community towards their improvement which in reality also constitutes our improvement. Besides not having shelter, food, and common needs, there needs to be more awareness about the mental well-being of people who experience homelessness. We need more resources, affordable professional help, counseling,  and community support to decrease the burden of mental health issues and suicide rates within homeless population. Mental health issues and suicide are on the rise in the homeless community. According to the ABC news re

Housing Choice Vouchers – the Good, the Bad, the Ugly of Section 8 housing

Section 8 housing, also known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program , is a federal program in the United States designed to assist low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled in affording decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. The program is administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and managed locally by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs). First of all: Who is eligible? Eligibility is primarily based on two criteria: income (you total annual gross) and your citizenship status. Regarding income, there are limits set at 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area. However, by law, a PHA must provide 75% of its vouchers to applicants whose incomes do not exceed 30% of the area's median income. Your citizen status will also impact eligibility, as vouchers are limited to U.S. citizens and non-citizens who have eligible immigration status. However, there are other factors which include eviction history and criminal b

The Stain of Housing Segregation in Modern America

  The Stain of Housing Segregation in Modern America  Redlining or housing segregation which was initially introduced in the 1930s was yet another discriminatory policy in U.S. history, mainly aimed at color-coding residential properties. Minorities such as African Americans mainly suffered the consequences of this inhumane treatment by the real estate industry. Some of the consequences of this policy included being denied access to affordable housing due to excuses such as credit scores, being discriminated against because of their race, being exposed to unhealthy environments, being denied of living in a safe and clean neighborhood, having higher morbidity and mortality rates due to diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart conditions, and having to deal with racist stereotypes from other people while also being denied of getting mortgages. Historically, African Americans have been mistreated by U.S. lawmakers solely because of their race and skin color. For example, if we loo

From Immediate Shelter to Lasting Change: Is Housing First the Key to Ending Homelessness?

    From Immediate Shelter to Lasting Change: A Housing First Approach                                                                                                                           ( Podcast Episode 3 , 2023)     'Housing First' is a revolutionary strategy for tackling homelessness that prioritizes securing basic needs and shelter without preconditions. The initiative prioritizes stable housing as a fundamental right and does not require beneficiaries to undergo treatment before receiving support. This follows guidance arguing more significant outcomes for individuals who complete treatment of their own volition. Despite some implementation challenges and dueling opinions, Housing First has demonstrated lasting change and success in leading homeless individuals to stable housing.      Housing First couples permanent, stable housing with supportive services to end housing insecurity and homelessness. This initiative strives to provide individuals with basic necessiti

Essential Homelessness Assistance Programs: Understanding the Need and Resources to Share

  Homelessness is a pervasive issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It's a complex problem with deep-rooted causes, including economic instability, mental health challenges, substance abuse, and systemic inequalities. In the face of such adversity, it's crucial for communities to come together and offer support to those experiencing homelessness. We'll explore why it's essential to pay attention to homelessness assistance and delve into various resources available to make a positive impact. Homelessness isn't just a matter of lacking shelter; it's a multifaceted crisis that impacts individuals, families, and communities on numerous levels. Those experiencing homelessness often face a myriad of challenges, including limited access to healthcare, education, employment opportunities, and social support networks. Furthermore, the cycle of homelessness can perpetuate itself without intervention, as individuals struggle to break free from its grip wi

Homelessness & Healthcare

  Homelessness and Healthcare: Bridging the Gap In the heart of every thriving city and even in quiet rural areas, there exists a hidden crisis — homelessness. This issue is not just about lack of shelter; it’s intricately tied to another critical challenge: healthcare. The intersection of homelessness and healthcare reveals a stark disparity that calls for urgent attention and innovative solutions. The Reality of Homelessness Homelessness is a multifaceted issue that affects millions of people worldwide. In the United States alone, over half a million people experience homelessness on any given night. This population includes families with children, veterans, young adults, and the elderly. The causes of homelessness are complex, ranging from economic instability and lack of affordable housing to mental health issues and substance abuse. Health Challenges Faced by the Homeless People experiencing homelessness are at a significantly higher risk for a multitude of health problems. The la

In Sight and In Mind: Homelessness and NIMBYism

      Many people have struggled these past years because of different reasons, while other felt the exact opposite. Many wealthy residents in Portland, Oregon are able to enjoy their view and have since been enjoying their view, very quickly started to hate it. Homelessness has spread into areas because of the widening wealth gap. These owners were interviewed and quoted that there was, "obstruction of their 'million-dollar views,'" (Griffith 2023). While these owners get to enjoy their time in their luxurious homes, there are other who lack necessities like bathrooms, faucets, and many others (Griffith 2023). Factors     With the rise of pricing on houses that have pushed out people who can't afford homes, people who now can't afford rent, they get pushed to the streets and get gawked at by people who don't want them there. One of the bigger problems is that there is a negative stereotype about homeless people about how they are addicts, suffer mental he