Homeless People with Mental Illness Need the Most Help

Homelessness in Portland has decreased by 17% from 2022 to 2023. Most people experiencing homelessness will overcome this hardship, but those with mental illness without family support will not be able to do so. Portland surveyed 300 unsheltered people and found that 63% had mental disorders. In the absence of proper care at homeless shelters, the homeless population will remain the same. It's likely that they have a disorder, and may not understand the situation they're in. Combating this problem is possible. 

 The first step is to place homeless people in shelters that only accept people with mental disorders. Shelters for people with mental disorders are needed because they require specialized assistance from people who specialize in helping people with mental disorders. In addition to providing psychiatric assessments and medication management, shelters can also offer therapy for these individuals. Outreach workers are an important resource for helping people that are mentally ill because they can reach out to convince them or essentially guide them to shelters and better resources. Although the issue with these outreach workers is they don't reconnect with the people experiencing homelessness to help them with finding shelter and resources. In addition, the mentally ill can have increased symptoms when they are homeless, which is why it is crucial that these people seek help right away due to their vulnerability. 

 Overall, those homeless with a mental illness don't have enough resources, but Multnomah is finally opening a peer-run center staffed by people who are no longer homeless. The shelter will include laundry, showers, meals, and mental health services which is what this specific group needs the most. It is open to all types of people from different backgrounds experiencing homelessness, but we still need more shelters that provide mental health services which is why it is important to share with your friends and community the importance of a shelter specifically for those with a mental illness. 

 By: Enya Hernandez 


63% of homeless Portlanders report suffering from mental health issues and say they need more help: False promises survey - oregonlive.com 

 Downtown Portland homeless mental health center to open this fall (koin.com)


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