Homelessness Blog

cup on the ground with coins inside

Cameron Parker 

Homelessness Blog 

I would say that the main problem with how homelessness starts is the lack of education that Americans get around the country as well as the lack of affordable housing that there is, in the United States. I think that there should be ways to ensure that everybody around the country is able to get the basic education that they need in order to get their life on track as well as getting started with a lower income job right away. This is personal to me because living in Portland, Oregon there are so many homeless people filled all around downtown, and it’s starting to get even worse as the years go by and more jobs lost. 

Also attending Portland State University you can see it first hand with all the tents and homeless people walking around. Another reason why this is a big deal to me is because of the amount of needles that are left on the ground unattended to as well. When going on a run or walking to get some food or a drink, people in the community of Portland shouldn't have to worry about stepping on needles or having their kids see needles on the ground when going about their day. We should want  We should want our schools surroundings to feel safe and I feel like a lot of the time, people in this community don't always feel the safest. According to the link below, “If we look at income and housing cost data for Portland, it’s clear that many Portlanders are spending more than 30% on their housing.” 






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