Education for the Homeless

Homelessness is one of the rising and current issues here in this country and it is affecting almost everyone across the country. Many of these individuals never wished to be homeless and sadly have either been dealt a bad hand in life or were unfortunately left behind by the people close to them. What these people need in most cases is a job or just any form of income that can help them get back into a home.

Homeless individuals often are stuck when trying to get a job due to either a lack of clean water for hygiene, no main address where they can be reached, or that they did not finish high school and do not have a complete education. This last issue of education is actually a major issue with homeless people due to them being raised into homelessness with their parents (not by choice) and thus had to move around and miss out on early stages of education. Another thing is if they say ran away from home (due to abuse or other reasons) at a young age would also make it, so they miss out on major times of education. Missing these important milestones can make it very hard for homeless people to find jobs and especially finish their education.

This is where organizations like Maslow Project a nonprofit that works with the local school district and connects youth experiencing homelessness with resources. This nonprofit also works with youth facing homelessness or are already homeless and helps them find homes to live in and help with getting them in a stable rhythm. Along with organizations Oregon has passed an act that specifically helps homeless youth in finding schooling and getting transportation. If you have any interest in being apart of this every school district in Oregon has at least one designated Homeless Student Liaison to provide direct assistance to homeless families with almost anything they need.  


If looking for more information and other ways to help check out this article from OPB:


By, Rowan Petrasy





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