Proposal for housing.


My proposal for what next steps should be is using taxpayers dollars that the county/state 

receives and instead of using them on whatever they are used on, we can use it to build a 

dormitory or something to house the homeless. Buy out a lot and build. It solves the problem,

 isn’t only a temporary solution and creates jobs in construction and such. Everything that is 

being proposed are just temporary solutions and are not sustainable. I’m sure that if advertised, 

there would be plenty of people willing to volunteer their time, and skills to help out. 



I find this to be a better solution than lets say tiny homes and it can concentrate everyone in a 

smaller area instead of trying to find multiple spots around town to build on. Not only that, but it 

also becomes a permanent part of the city and will always be there to help people when times 

get hard. We can be an example to the rest of the country and maybe they could follow in our





Blog by Destin


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