Care Kits for the Homeless - More Ways You Can Help


As the weather changes, it invariably becomes more important that we all have the necessary clothing and shelter to survive.  This is a difficult challenge for the homeless who struggle not only with attaining their own resources, but are limited on resources provided from missions and charitable organizations.  Furthermore, a large percentage of individuals (35-40 percent) are faced with challenges of personal resourcefulness due to both physical and mental disabilities.


We are also facing a time where community support and outreach is a challenge we are faced with due to COVID-19 and, if we face reality, not enough people are contributing to the solution with their time and own resources.  What we can do that is not a burden on ourselves and provides those capable the ability to assist is to aid in the donation of goods.  For example, the Portland Rescue Mission has influenced the use of “Care Kits” that we all can distribute.


This is something simple that we can all do and keep with us in our cars, at our homes, or take with us to give directly to homeless persons at out will. A list of common goods can be seen if you visit  The more options we can collectively give ourselves to contribute, either in-person or by gift, the better we can prepare and support the homeless while we continually work to end homelessness.  What gets in your way of being able to help?


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